
◎お客さんが来ない時、家内がボクを指指して言う口癖・・アンタから出てる「負のオーラ」がお客さんを遠ざける原因菌ちゃうん?  いや、それはちゃうちゃう!(「違う違う」の大阪方言) これはいま流行の健康志向「マイナスイオン発生装置や」・・頼むからそう言うて・・


クロネコヤマト、佐川急便、郵便局系・・宅配業者間の戦いは熾烈だ。で、いったいどこが儲かってるの? やっぱりクロネコ? いや、いや、リヤカー屋さんです。

日本一小さな宿・街角のペンションLee http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~pen-lee/   

The LEE Osaka downtown(大阪のペンション)  http://pension-lee.net/

LEE is located in front of the Sin-do shrine that have one thousand years history. This area is harmonized history and modernity. Beside LEE, there is Japan's longest shopping street. You can understand real Japan after walking this shopping street. There are also four department store and huge electric store, which are typical Japanese shopping scene, near to LEE.

LEE rooms are well ventilated and gets a lot of sunshine, faces on south side. We manage LEE in a family: we provide good security and cleanness. From LEE to nearest station, takes only one minuets on foot, to Kansai International Airport, takes 50 min by bus and Osaka Station 5 min by metro. LEE locates very convenient place, so a lot of people go to one day trip to Himeji Kyoto Kobe or Hiroshima.